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Frequently asked questions

What is Breathwork?

 Breathwork is a therapeutic breathing practice that is intended to help with emotional healing and personal growth. It’s said to produce an altered state of consciousness. The process involves breathing at a fast rate for minutes to hours. This changes the balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen in the body. The goal of this technique is to help you make improvements to your psychological and spiritual development. Holotropic breathing may also bring about physical benefits. The entire process is meant to activate your natural capacity for healing


What does a breathwork session look like?

The session will begin with us having a chat about what your goal for the session is. I will then explain everything you need to know for the journey ahead.  The journey begins with you lying down on a mat. Once you’re settled and comfortable, you’ll close your eyes and begin to breathe fast and deep in an even circular pattern. There are no pauses between inhales and exhales. While you’re doing this, feel free to make any movements or sounds that come naturally while continuing to keep your eyes closed. You might do this rapid breathing technique for minutes or even hours. Music is also played during the session to help you enter that altered state.


 What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is using the state of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. Hypnotherapy is  is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. It’s a type of mind-body medicine.

During hypnosis

  • Your conscious mind is quieted.

  • You’re able to tap into the part of your brain where your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, sensations, emotions, memory and behaviors originate.

  • In this state, you’re more open to gentle guidance from your hypnotherapist to help you modify or replace the unconscious thoughts that are driving your current behavior.


What is IEMT

Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) is not just another therapeutic modality. It's a journey into the very fabric of our psyche. By observing and influencing eye movements, we can tap into the neural pathways that store our most profound emotions and experiences. This isn't merely about alleviating symptoms; it's about confronting the dragons of our past, understanding them, and integrating their lessons into our present.  IEMT work's on the “lynchpins” that hold the traumatic memories together. IEMT moves your eyes in certain ways using a process called kinesthetic movement that links part of the brain that stores our memories and emotions thus leading to rapid release and relief of unwanted memories, flashbacks and associated triggers. IEMT is a proposed brief therapy and an evolving field that enables a core state change in minimal time.


What kind of things can you help me with?

- Weight loss

- Trauma release

- Inner child work

- Fears and Phobias

- Performance

- Spiritual Growth

- Emotional Issues

- Mental Blocks

- Relationship troubles

I can help you with pretty much anything!


If you have nay further questions don't hesitate to contact me!


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